Category: exhibition

Ivana Adaime Makac at Le Bel Ordinaire art contemporain, Pau.

Ivana Adaime Makac, Le Banquet (2008-2017). Pedestal, fruits, flowers, vegetables, locusts or crickets; variable dimensions. Photos: Marc Dommage, Ivan Binet and Ivana Adaime-Makac.

Ivana Adaime Makac‘s ongoing work Le Banquet will be featured in the group show Enchanter le réel, curated by Claire Lambert at Le Bel Ordinaire art contemporain, Pau, from September 13 through November 18, 2017.

The exhibition explores how the imaginary architecture oscillates between pure fiction and utopia. The artists are invited to reflect on how, as human beings, we both inhabit and are inhabited by the habitat.

In Le Banquet, Adaime Makac reverts the process by inviting insects to taste sculptures and structures composed of fruits, flowers, vegetables and different types of food.

Artists: Ivana Adaime Makac, Michel Blazy, Alain Bublex, Benedetto Bufalino, Frédéric Chaubin, Filip Dujardin, Nicolas Floc’h, Yona Friedman, Taro Izumi, Béranger Laymond, Marine Pages and Peter Wüthrich.

For more information on the exhibition please click here.

For more information on Ivana Adaime Makac and Le Banquet please click here.

ECCENTRIC Art & Research is delighted to present Federico Luger’s first solo exhibition in Milan “Mi casa es tu casa”, opens September 18th.

Federico Luger, Swiss Alps, the End of the Illusion (2013). C-print on aluminium. Edition of 3.

ECCENTRIC Art & Research is delighted to present Federico Luger’s first solo exhibition in Milan Mi casa es tu casa, which opens on September 18th, 2017.

The title of the show (my house is your house) alludes both to the fact that it will take place at Secondo Pensiero, a space which is in fact a B&B, thus a temporary house to its guests, and also because one of the series, The Swiss Alps, has been inspired by Luger’s second home in Switzerland.

The exhibition will present different series of works: The Swiss Alps, the End of the Illusion (2013) the aforementioned set of photographs that addresses the end of bank secrecy in the country; small paintings from the series Bananas, a selection of two massive paintings which deal with the human figure, more specifically with portraiture; the Line Concept collages, two works from the Monochrome series and the almost complete Venice Book series. This last set of works on paper will be installed in one of the rooms, so it will only be visible during the opening evening.

Federico Luger is a Venezuelan artist and gallerist. After several years spent travelling around Europe, he opened an art space in Milan, which then turned into Federico Luger Gallery. In the twelve years during which the gallery has been operating, Luger has produced more than fifty exhibitions. However Luger never stopped his artistic practice, which he preferred to conduct in secrecy, reflecting on conceptual art, perception of art, and the art system in general. Both his activities, artist and gallerist have enriched each other. This exhibition and Luger’s oeuvre deeply reflect on the complexity of the twofold nature of his passion.

The exhibition will be open from September 18th thought October 18th, on Tuesday and Wednesday from 3 to 7pm, or by appointment.

To make an appointment, or to request images and further information please contact Gabriela Galati at

Secondo Pensiero
Corso Magenta, 12
20121, Milan MI

For more information on Federico Luger please click here.

Baptiste Debombourg has currently two exhibitions on view in Bergen and Cologne.



Baptiste Debombourg, Transient, solo exhibition

at Krupic Kersting Galerie – KUK
An der Schanz 1a, 50735 Cologne, Germany
on view from 09/06 until 31/08/2017

After the contextual installation “Raging Dreams”, realized at S12 gallery in Bergen (Norway), Baptiste Debombourg presents his new solo show « TRANSIENT » at krupic kersting gallery in Cologne (Germany).

« Transient » explores the transformative aspects of the material, and the ever-changing state of matter, that goes beyond our human perception.

Everything that we perceive is subject to the effect of time and gravity, a slow transformation of material in time.

It is this invisible force that interests the artist, and through control, but also accident and improvisation, he explores his subject. Debombourg offers to the viewer an experience of the transformation, of the transient state of matter, and a new vision of light and darkness.

« The tangible treatment in monochrome black lends the work a status that is at least two-fold – sculptural and pictorial – and gives rise to additional questions related to the work’s setting, plane, vanishing points, surfaces, volume, reflections, and the position of the viewer ».*

*Audrey Teichmann, curator, France


Baptiste Debombourg, Raging Dreams – over the horizon, solo exhibition
at S12 Gallery og Verksted,
Skostredet 12, 5017 Bergen
On view from 19/05 to the 16/07/2017

S12 Open Access Studio and Gallery is celebrating its 10th anniversary with the opening of the exhibition RAGING DREAMS over the horizonby the French artist Baptiste Debombourg.

Debombourg has received international acclaim for his monumental installations. Waves of broken glass are breaking into and flooding rooms and structures, taking over and transforming buildings and areas. The work can be experienced as both threatening and beautiful as the artist both destroys and rebuilds. The broken and reconstructed material conveys many stories and is often interpreted as a critique of the world we live in – of consumerism or a world in the process of falling apart.

In S12’s Gallery Baptiste Debombourg has made a new installation–Raging Dreams where the energy and power of dreams is a central theme, and where the main material is laminated glass. Debombourg does work with a variety of materials and techniques, but prefers to use materials we are surrounded with in our daily life. In this installation, the remodeled sheets of broken laminated glass, remind us of the destructive abilities of natural forces, as they take over the the gallery, parallel with the silhouette horizon in the background. Through his unique and eye catching artwork he makes the viewer experience his/hers surroundings in a new and unexpected way.

For more information on Baptiste Debombourg please click here.

Baptiste Debombourg’s solo exhibition “RAGING DREAMS over the horizon” opens on May 19th at S12 Open Access Studio and Gallery, Bergen.

RAGING DREAMS over the horizon
Baptiste Debombourg 19.05-16.07.17
Vernissage 19.05.17 at 7 p.m.

S12 Open Access Studio and Gallery is celebrating its 10th anniversary with the opening of the exhibition RAGING DREAMS over the horizon by the French artist Baptiste Debombourg.

Debombourg has received international acclaim for his monumental installations. Waves of broken glass are breaking into and flooding rooms and structures, taking over and transforming buildings and areas. The work can be experienced as both threatening and beautiful as the artist both destroys and rebuilds. The broken and reconstructed material conveys many stories and is often interpreted as a critique of the world we live in – of consumerism or a world in the process of falling apart.

In S12’s Gallery Baptiste Debombourg has made a new installation– Raging Dreams where the energy and power of dreams is a central theme, and where the main material is laminated glass. Debombourg does work with a variety of materials and techniques, but prefers to use materials we are surrounded with in our daily life. In this installation, the remodeled sheets of broken laminated glass, remind us of the destructive abilities of natural forces, as they take over the the gallery, parallel with the silhouette horizon in the background. Through his unique and eye catching artwork he makes the viewer experience his/hers surroundings in a new and unexpected way.

Baptiste Debombourg is an innovative artist who pushes boundaries, explores various media and collaborates with artists from other fields, be it artists, architects or fashion designers. He lives and works in Paris. Debombourg has studied sculpture at Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Lyon and did his post-graduate work at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In France he is one of the most outstanding artists of his generation
with numerous public presentations at home and abroad to his merit. He has built installations in cities such as Paris, Strasbourgh, Miami, Québec and Sarajevo, and will in May ´17 present a new public installation in Le Havre on the occasion of the city’s 500th anniversary.

For more information on Baptiste Debombourg please click here.

To download an interview on the project with Bergljót Jónsdóttir, Director of S12, Bergen, please follow this link:  NG 2 2017, S12 Baptiste Debombourg, S, 28 – 31.

Carlo Gamibirasio partecipa a EXI SHAPES presso Morel, Lugano.

EXI SHAPES è una mostra di arte contemporanea che riflette sul concetto di “demolizione”. Ospitata nell’edificio Morel (Lugano) che presto verrà smantellato, apre le porte del suo “hangar” per la prima volta a sei giovani artisti e al duo curatoriale 3/12.

Artisti presenti in mostra: Carmine Agosto, Byron Gago , Carlo Gambirasio, Edoardo Manzoni , Tomas Øvrelid, Flavia Sciré.

A cura di 3/12.

Vernissage: Giovedì 11 maggio 2017, ore 18:00.

MOREL, Via Antonio Adamini 4, 6900 Lugano Ticino, Svizzera.

Per maggiori informazioni sulla mostra si prega di cliccare qui.

Per maggiori informazioni su Carlo Gambirasio si prega di cliccare qui.

Sarah Ciracì partecipa alla mostra EFFIMERA che inaugura il 18 marzo presso il MATA Modena.

EFFIMERA Suoni, luci, visioni

Carlo Bernardini, Sarah Ciracì, Roberto Pugliese

a cura di Fulvio Chimento e Luca Panaro

18 marzo 7 maggio 2017
MATA | Manufattura Tabacchi Modena


 Comunicato stampa:

Inaugura sabato 18 marzo alle ore 18.00 al MATA di Modena una nuova edizione di Effimera – Suoni, luci, visioni, a cura di Fulvio Chimento Luca Panaro e in collaborazione con la Galleria Civica di Modena, che quest’anno propone opere di Carlo Bernardini, Sarah Ciracì e Roberto Pugliese. La mostra è realizzata con il supporto di Coptip e del Gruppo Fotografico Grandangolo BFI.

Effimera giunge dunque alla sua seconda edizione, coerente con l’intento dichiarato dai suoi curatori già nel 2016: individuare e valorizzare artisti, preferibilmente italiani e con esperienza all’estero, che fanno dell’utilizzo avanzato della tecnologia la cifra stilistica del proprio lavoro. Un evento espositivo che si propone quale indagine critica in relazione alle ultime tendenze artistiche caratterizzate dai “Nuovi Media”, momento di crescita e di aggregazione a livello nazionale intorno a parole chiave quali arte, tecnologia e comunicazione.

Nel 2016 Effimera aveva individuato il suo punto focale nel web, inteso come strumento di conoscenza artistica e relazionale grazie alla presenza degli artisti Eva e Franco Mattes, Carlo Zanni e Diego Zuelli. La nuova edizione si concentra sull’analisi della componente immateriale che è caratteristica della ricerca artistica dei nostri giorni, che trova trasposizione (e sintesi) all’interno di un percorso espositivo che prevede la creazione di un viaggio sensoriale interno alle tendenze artistiche recenti.

Nel 2017 i curatori hanno dunque strutturato i 500 mq del MATA in tre ambienti distinti. Punto di partenza di questo “attraversamento” è costituito dalla ricerca sonora del sound artist Roberto Pugliese, mentre l’approdo si identifica nelle installazioni luminose in fibra ottica di Carlo Bernardini, dipanando il percorso fra le immagini fluttuanti degli affreschi digitali di Sarah Ciracì.

Effimera – Suoni, luci, visioni è costruita intorno a un percorso spiccatamente immersivo, ideato e strutturato appositamente sul MATA: tre imponenti installazioni ambientali, separate ma contigue, marcano una distinzione linguistica e temporale, e al tempo stesso suggeriscono una linea di continuità all’interno del percorso evolutivo dell’arte. Arte intesa come esperienza totale e totalizzante, in grado di stimolare l’intelletto, ma anche di innescare un corto circuito a livello sensoriale.

Per rimarcare le distinte peculiarità d’approccio i curatori hanno coinvolto artisti appartenenti a tre generazioni differenti, nati rispettivamente negli anni Sessanta, Settanta e Ottanta, che riflettono altrettanti modi di intendere l’interazione tra arte e tecnologia. Il fil rouge che contraddistingue Effimera è sempre rappresentato dall’intento di indagare l’arte attraverso le sue componenti immateriali, al fine di far luce sullo statuto attuale dell’opera. I lavori degli artisti di ultima generazione, infatti, si caratterizzano per la spiccata componente effimera legata al procedimento artistico che rispecchia l’epoca nella quale viviamo. Non a caso il nome della rassegna si ispira anche a quello della specie animale che ha vita più breve sulla terra, l’Ephemera, un piccolo insetto acquatico (simile a una libellula) la cui esistenza dura all’incirca un’ora e mezza. Altro assioma fondante di Effimera è il constatare come l’unicità dell’opera non sia più un assunto dell’uomo contemporaneo: grazie alle tecnologie di cui disponiamo, ogni copia è riproducibile con la medesima qualità, e quindi è sempre potenzialmente identica all’originale.

Fa da corredo a Effimera un ricco calendario di incontri collaterali che prevede la presenza degli artisti coinvolti, ma anche di filosofi ed di esperti del settore “arte e tecnologia”.

Per maggiori informazioni sulla mostra si prega di cliccare qui.

Per maggiori informazioni su Sarah Ciracì si prega di cliccare qui.


Axel Straschnoy’s VR film The Detective trailer is now online, please check it out!

The Detective will be featured at ARS17 in Helsinki; and in Straschnoy’s solo exhibition Immersive Worlds at ECCENTRIC Art & Research in Milan in October 2017.

Also, Kiasma has recently announced the new acquisition of artworks for its collection.  Axel Straschnoy’s virtual reality film The Detective  is now part of the collection of the Finnish National Gallery.

To see the trailer on ARS17 website along with the other selected artists please click here.

For more information on Kiasma’s acquisitions please click here.

For more information on Axel Straschnoy please click here.

Tomislav Brajnović’s exhibition “Armageddon strisciante, dittatura dell’amore” opens at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Istria.


Tomislav Brajnović’s solo exhibition “Armageddon strisciante, dittatura dell’amore” opens on January 27, 8.30pm at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Istria, Pula.

The exhibition will be open through March 2, 2017.

Museum of Contemporary Art of Istria

Sv. Ivana 1, 52100 Pula
Tel: 052 351 541
E-mail: msui(at)

For more information on the artist please click here.


Tomislav Brajnović solo exhibition The Crawling Armageddon opens November 4 at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka.

The Crawling Armageddon by Tomislav Brajnović (Zagreb, 1965), offers a cross section of works created from the end of the 1990s onwards. Many of these works have rarely been presented in public. This kaleidoscopic display gathers approximately twenty works, including installations, objects, ready-made series, videos and acoustic compositions. It represents a relatively short, turbulent history of the new millennium, in which totalitarian elements of the past century return to us like timed bombs. From Odyssey (2004), to The Law of Love, to Soldier in Ripe Wheat (2015), these works reflect on the consequences of frenetic production and exploitation of material resources. Sometimes they express a sound of transcendence, a transcendence that seems elusive in the agony of everydayness, where the clashes of reality are conveyed into the anxious feeling of time flow, moving from silence to turbulence. Hence, the need for reversing the dictate of time and finding a better future becomes crucial, but there is an open question of how to attain this. The author says: The only (im)possible revolution is the revolution of consciousness. Human consciousness today does not differ much from the consciousness that existed before or after the French or October Revolution. Nothing has changed here; the only progress that has been made is the progress in HD broadcast of the never-ending revolution… The idea of Earth as Eden and the question of who (if anyone) can reach it and how, represents the core of my artistic personality.

Curated by: Ksenija Orelj

The exhibition and the accompanying catalogue will be presented in the Istria Museum of Contemporary Art in 2017.
Acknowledgements: Muzej – Museo Lapidarium, Novigrad; the Rovinj Heritage Museum
Support: The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, The County of Istria, The City of Rijeka, The City of Rovinj

Photo: Tomislav Brajnović, Wooden Angel , video, 2005.

For more information on the exhibition please click here.

For more information on Tomislav Brajnović please click here.

Axel Straschnoy will present new work at ARS17 exhibition in Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki opening March 2017.

Axel Straschnoy will present a new project at ARS17 exhibition in Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki opening March 2017.

On November 2, Kiasma disclosed the list of participating artists:


Ed Atkins (1982 Iso-Britannia)
Andrey Bogush (1987 Venäjä)
Nina Canell (1979 Ruotsi)
Cécile B. Evans (1983 USA/ Belgia)
Lizzie Fitch & Ryan Trecartin (1981 USA & 1981 USA)
Melanie Gilligan (1979 Kanada)
Juha van Ingen (1963 Suomi)
Yung Jake (2011 Internet)
Ilja Karilampi (1983 Ruotsi)
Nandita Kumar (1981 Mauritius)
Tuomas A. Laitinen (1976 Suomi)
LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner – Shia LaBeouf (1986 USA), Nastja Säde Rönkkö (1985 Suomi), Luke Turner (1982 Iso-Britannia)
Reija Meriläinen (1987 Suomi)
Katja Novitskova (1984 Viro)
Jaakko Pallasvuo (1987 Helsinki)
Aude Pariset (1983 Ranska)
Jon Rafman (1981 Kanada)
Charles Richardson (1979 Iso-Britannia)
Rachel Rossin (1987 USA)
Jacolby Satterwhite (1986 USA)
Hito Steyerl
(1966 Saksa)
Anna Uddenberg (1982 Ruotsi)
Julia Varela (1986 Espanja)
Artie Vierkant (1986 USA)

ARS17+ Online Art

David Blandy (1976 Iso-Britannia)
Cécile B. Evans (1983 USA)
Ed Fornieles (1983 Iso-Britannia)
Juha van Ingen (1963 Suomi)
Rachel Maclean (1987 Iso-Britannia)
Florian Meisenberg (1980 Saksa)
Reija Meriläinen (1987 Suomi)
Pink Twins, Juha Vehviläinen & Vesa Vehviläinen (1978 & 1974 Suomi)
Angelo Plessas (1974 Kreikka)
Jon Rafman (1981 Kanada)
Tuomo Rainio (1983 Suomi)
Charles Richardson (1979 Iso-Britannia)
Jarkko Räsänen (1984 Suomi)
Axel Straschnoy (1978 Argentiina)
Jenna Sutela (1983 Suomi)
Amalia Ulman (1989 Argentiina)


Ed Atkins (Iso-Britannia)
Florentina Holzinger ja Vincent Riebeek (Itävalta, Hollanti)
Rodrigo Sobarzo (Chile)
Otso Huopaniemi ja Pilvari Pirtola (Suomi)
WAUHAUS, Samuli Laine, Jussi Matikainen, Jarkko Partanen (Suomi)
Jacolby Satterwhite (USA)
Anne-Mari Karvonen ja Anni Puolakka (Suomi)
Eeva Muilu ja Jaakko Pietiläinen (Suomi)

ARS17 takes over Kiasma in 2017

The theme of the ARS17 exhibition is the global digital revolution whose impacts are evident in culture and the economy, as well as in human identity and behaviour. Opening in March 2017, the exhibition will showcase artists of the new millennium and offer a fresh approach to contemporary art by also expanding the viewing experience into the online realm.

ARS17 will feature works by several Finnish and international contemporary artists. The names of the participating artists will be announced during the autumn and winter.

Digitality changes art

Digital technology has become an important part of everyday life. In addition to its purely technological applications, digitality also plays a role in the management of social relations, in community formation, and in communication. One of the key themes of the exhibition is how artists have responded to this transformation that touches us all. Art also plays the role of a pioneer in the digital revolution of culture.

Although it is highly reliant on the digital revolution, contemporary art regards its impacts with a certain scepticism, while also helping us to understand the world around us. The Internet is addictive and powerful: how radically has our worldview been altered by digitalisation and social media?

ARS17 extends into the online realm

ARS17 will serve as a platform for Kiasma to develop the accessibility of art and the methods for its presentation, as well as the museum’s collection practices. As part of ARS17, the museum will launch a website, ARS17+ Online Art presenting online works by approximately 20 artists.

Today, an increasing amount of interesting work is being produced specifically for online viewing. Artists are using the internet and social media in many ways for their art. ARS17 will showcase several online works in order to engage the audience and extend the experience beyond the confines of the museum walls.

The ARS exhibitions are a series of major surveys of international contemporary art that have been organised since 1961. In total, the exhibitions have had more than half a million visitors, presenting work by about 600 artists or groups. ARS17 is the ninth exhibition in the series, and the fourth to be held in the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma.

For more information on ARS17 please click here.

For more information on Axel Straschnoy please click here.