ECCENTRIC changes shape!

We are excited to let you know that from January 2020 ECCENTRIC will change shape and will become a research and publishing platform. The recently founded contemporary art gallery IPERCUBO will take over our curatorial and art advisory activities. For more info please visit and follow us on instagram and Facebook

Presentazione del libro Duchamp Meets Turing: Arte, modernismo, postumano presso Walden Milano, martedì 19 giugno, ore 18.30

Presentazione del libro Duchamp Meets Turing: Arte, modernismo, postumano. Martedì 19 giugno, ore 18.30 Walden Milano via Vetere 14 20123 Milano   L’autrice Gabriela Galati e il curatore Maurizio Bortolotti

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Ivana Adaime Makac and Camilla Alberti in Questions on the Living / Domande sul vivente, at aA29 Project Room Milano.

Ivana Adaime Makac, The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication (2016); Origine des plants cultivées (2018) and L’univers de notre jardin (2018). Different editions of the three books, Savoy cabbage, varnish, pigments,

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